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Congressional Candidate Wayne Johnson Rebukes Biden and Bishop’s Energy Policies as “Beyond Insane”

March 9, 2022 
CONTACT: Dan McLagan 
[email protected] 

Sanford Bishop’s Support of Biden Clearly Conveys That “They Would Rather Do Business With Global Terrorists Than With American Energy Producers”

MACON, Ga. – Wayne Johnson, a former Trump Administration senior official, financial services industry innovator and alternative fuels knowledge leader, today called out President Biden and his close supporter Sanford Bishop for their “beyond insane” energy policies as gasoline prices for regular Americans spiral out of control; and extremely high diesel fuel costs are driving up prices for everything.

Johnson, a candidate in the Republican Primary in the 2nd Congressional District covering Middle and Southwest Georgia, said the policies of the left Democrats that Biden and Bishop support are hurting every citizen, every family, and every business in the 2nd District.

“Biden and Bishop would rather buy oil and gas from authoritarian and terrorist regimes in Iran and Venezuela than from American energy producers,” Johnson said. “This insane policy pours billions of dollars into the coffers of our enemies and leaves Americans further behind.”

Johnson was referring to talks the Biden Administration has initiated with the totalitarian regimes in Iran and Venezuela to buy petroleum from them in an attempt to bring down gas prices, which have been on the rise since Biden took office and shut down significant portions of American production.

“I was working as a senior international banker in Venezuela when the country was taken over by way of a social welfare agenda and witnessed an autocratic leader establish domestic tyranny and anti-American foreign policy,” said Johnson. “Giving billions to any regime that forces people to eat their cats, causes their population to want to flee their country, and is made up by leaders who wish to harm the United States, is a very bad idea. Absurdly doing so when American energy producers stand ready to produce and deliver what is needed to replace energy imports from Russia is plain crazy – certainly stupid.”

“Energy costs are a real problem for real people who drive, make deliveries from their small business, or just paying more for everything because shipping costs are rising,” Wayne said. “Real people are getting hurt in real ways. We need to ‘stop the stupid’ energy policies in Washington and put American producers back to work for our country as soon as possible.”

Wayne Johnson is a rock solid conservative candidate in the Republican Primary in the 2nd Congressional District covering Middle and Southwest Georgia. He served as a Senior Official within the Trump Administration. Wayne served as an Officer in the U.S. Army and is an Eagle Scout. Johnson obtained his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from Mercer University and his MBA from Emory University. He was born, raised, and resides in Macon.






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