April 29, 2024
CONTACT: Bryant Willis
BAINSBRIDGE, GA -- Dr. Wayne Johnson, who served in the Federal government as a senior official in the Trump administration today released a letter he sent to Federal officials regarding the “Monkey Farm” project in Bainbridge, Ga.
“I support the residents of Bainbridge and Decatur County in challenging this absurd project for this part of Georgia, or for anywhere“, said Johnson, who went on to say “I am in disbelief that Congressman Sanford Bishop has been tone-deaf regarding this matter and has failed to demand Federal agency level involvement. The Federal government needs to stay out of local and state issues in most cases; but in this specific case, Federal investigation and regulatory oversight is warranted and needed. The developers of this project are using loopholes in State agricultural regulations and law to supposedly operate a “farm”; when monkey breeding and fetus harvesting is nowhere even close to food production or livestock management. It is time to truly define what this operation really is — and to properly regulate it for whatever it is”.
In a letter addressed to multiple U.S. cabinet member Secretaries and other Federal Agency heads, Dr. Johnson insisted that “your respective offices and agencies, individually and collectively, immediately investigate and act at the Federal regulatory level regarding a non-human primate breeding, fetus abortion and fetus harvesting operation that is being located near Bainbridge, Georgia.”
Johnson challenged the idea that the monkey farm was a legitimate agricultural situation, to be regulated solely by the State of Georgia Department of Agriculture.
“This is not an agricultural operation,” Johnson wrote. “Non-human primates are not consumed for food in the United States, nor do they enable food production. This operation falls into an area of regulatory oversight uncertainty, and therefore warrants the attention of multiple agencies, especially at the Federal level in this case.”
“Due to the extraordinary nature and purpose of the situation and also in light of immediately adjacent cross state potential impacts, your organizations are hereby being called upon to become quickly and actively involved,” Johnson said to all those addressed in the letter, and which should have a stake in examining the Monkey Farm situation. Johnson further set forth that he expects each office or agency “will bring significant additional knowledge and experience to bear on evaluating this unorthodox intended operation.”
Johnson expressed six specific concerns in his letter. They include:
1). The possibility that monkeys may escape “either through negligence, malicious intention or sabotage or natural disaster.” One scenario that Johnson is concerned about is that a “bunch of primates, intentionally infected and turned loose would have devastating consequences. Imagine the Dustin Hoffman movie, “Outbreak” on steroids”.
2). Johnson raised deep concerns that all the different types of fecal, urine, dead animal, and other biological waste, as well as injection needles, surgical instruments, fabrics, and bedding, need to be treated as “BIO-HAZARD” and “SHARPS” waste and as such must be appropriately treated with chemicals and incineration. Johnson said, “under no circumstance should any of this material be allowed into the public wastewater treatment stream, nor buried, nor treated in open pits where birds or other animals could be exposed to or ingest any of this material; and consequently, by way of which food chains would be impacted.”
3). Johnson also said the air associated with the monkey farm must be viewed as being a potential “BIO-HAZARD” and must be treated accordingly.
4). Johnson wondered why the Monkey Farm is being located in Bainbridge, immediately in proximity to two other states? “Is there some intention to integrate or overlap operational aspects across state lines, particularly as it relates to waste disposal?”, asked Johnson.
5). Johnson said determination for legitimacy of establishment and ongoing monitoring by Federal agencies would also prove to be very, very important to this type of operation. The real question, according to Johnson, is “Where should oversight of this type of unorthodox, highly specialized operation legitimately be handled?”
6). Johnson questioned what would happen if the monkey farm is shut down and the subject non-human-primates are destroyed. “How would this be done and who would pay for it? He questions if there is a disaster mitigation plan and set forth that a “Super-Fund” type financial reserve needs to be put in place for such a contingency.”
In closing his letter, Johnson raised an important key question asking, “Why would this operation, as envisioned, even be allowed by the Federal government, considering the overwhelming objections of the citizens of Bainbridge and surrounding areas, and especially when it poses potential significant harm to the residents and territorial lands of multiple states as well as to Federal lands, multi-state waterways and water use, protected species and forests?” Johnson hypothesized that “It is possible that Federal agencies and offices have not even been made aware. Therefore, the reason for my letter. As formerly a part of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, I know firsthand how powerful such a letter can be. If this letter were coming from a sitting congressman, it would be even much more powerful and respected by Agency heads.”
Johnson is a respected former banker and businessman who has established operations in Middle and Southwest Georgia, as well as other parts of Georgia and internationally. Wayne understands and supports economic development, especially for Southwest Georgia. However, when it comes to the Bainbridge “Monkey Farm”, he believes like many others that this is a project that brings more potential harm than good; therefore, he is raising his voice to this matter.
Wayne has enjoyed both cattle and tree farming and has worked for major corporations with ties to Georgia’s 2nd Congressional District. Johnson has been a rock-solid conservative for decades, is pro-life and is a serious gun owner. He is a former Army officer, father and grandfather who obtained his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from Mercer University and his master’s in business from Emory University.
Wayne is now seeking to become the Republican nominee to challenge Sanford Bishop for a seat in the U.S. Congress.
The Georgia state primary, which includes the Republican primary in the 2nd District, occurs on May 21. Early voting for the primary begins April 29 and ends May 17.
I am humbly and respectfully asking for your vote in the Republican primary on May 21 and in the general election in November,” said Johnson. “Together, let’s ‘Stop the Stupid in Washington.’ ”
Stop the Stupid in Washington!