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Congressional Candidate Wayne Johnson Shares Vision With Good Crowd at Dougherty County Democratic Forum

OCTOBER. 8, 2024 
CONTACT: Davis Lundy 423-240-5749 
[email protected] 


ALBANY, Ga. – Congressional Candidate Wayne Johnson traveled to Albany, Ga., on Saturday to attend a candidate forum sponsored by the Dougherty County Democratic Party. More than 80 people attended the event.

Johnson is working hard to defeat 32-year incumbent Democrat Rep. Sanford Bishop in the November General Election and is looking to serve Albany, Macon, Columbus and 30 counties in Middle and Southwest Georgia. Sanford Bishop did not attend the event, opting to have a statement read by the chairman of the Dougherty County Democratic Party.

“This forum once again reinforced to me the fact that Republicans and Democrats have more in common than what separates us,” said Johnson. “As a commonsense candidate, I enjoyed the opportunity to share my vision about how I would serve all the citizens in my district, whether they are Democrat, Republican or Independent.”

After introducing himself, Johnson answered all questions from the audience before presenting his closing statement. He talked about his plans for affordable home ownership and for affordable car ownership, two critical factors in a family’s success. He shared his vision for establishing a paid apprenticeship program which will provide citizens a pathway to a stable, high paying career.

Johnson also shared how his 40 years as a successful businessman and years working inside the Federal government will help him be a better Congressman for the people of Middle and Southwest Georgia.

There were two school board candidates at the forum, one a Democrat and one a Republican.

“What was interesting to me is that all three of us agreed on the issue of school vouchers as an acceptable approach, which allows parents to escape a failing school and put their children in a better school. Each of us agreed this will not negatively impact funding for public schools,” said Johnson.

“This was an event sponsored by the Democratic Party, and although I am running as a Commonsense Republican, I was well received by the leadership and all the people in attendance.”


Dr. Wayne Johnson was born in Macon and has been a lifelong resident of Georgia. Johnson is a husband, father, grandfather, and U.S. Army veteran. He obtained his undergraduate and doctoral degrees from Mercer University and his master’s in business from Emory University.

Johnson is a respected former banker who has established businesses in Middle and Southwest Georgia, other parts of Georgia and internationally. He has enjoyed both cattle and tree farming and has worked for major corporations with ties to Middle and Southwest Georgia.

“My message has been and will continue to be that we must address the kitchen table issues impacting every family in our district,” said Johnson. “I believe many will agree that change will be good for the citizens of Middle and Southwest Georgia.”

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